Is Coinbase Cloud Mining Legit?

Coinbase does not offer cloud mining.

Key Takeaways

  • Coinbase does NOT offer cloud mining.
  • Any company claiming to be Coinbase is not legit.
  • Coinbase offers a product called Cloud but it's for hosting code, not mining.

Coinbase Does Not Offer Cloud Mining

Coinbase focuses on buying, selling, and storing cryptocurrencies. It does not provide cloud mining services.

Why Most Cloud Mining Are a Scam

The concept of earning through cloud mining is enticing but often deceptive.

What is Coinbase?

Coinbase is a prominent digital currency exchange based in San Francisco. Established in 2012, it’s a trusted platform in the crypto sector.

Its main features include allowing users to buy, store, sell and trade cryptocurrency.

To Sum It Up

In summary, Coinbase is a legitimate crypto platform but does not offer cloud mining. Always research and be cautious in the crypto world.

Article Sources

BuyBitcoinWorldWide writers are subject-matter experts and base their articles on firsthand information, like interviews with experts, white papers or original studies and experience. We also use trusted research and studies from other well-known sources. You can learn more about our editorial guidelines.

  1. - CoinbaseCloud,

About the Author

jordan tuwiner

Jordan Tuwiner is the founder of He studied computer science at Towson University and holds an online degree in trading & cryptocurrency. Jordan has been writing about Bitcoin since 2015. His work has been featured in The Guardian, International Business Times, Forbes, VentureBeat, CoinDesk and many other top Bitcoin media outlets.

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